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system equilibrium中文是什么意思

用"system equilibrium"造句"system equilibrium"怎么读"system equilibrium" in a sentence


  • 系统平衡


  • Compensation and social system equilibrium
  • From the view of the general system theory , the proposition of the compensation mechanism is synonymous with social system equilibrium
  • In the first , we study the stability of system equilibrium and the bound of these equilibriums by means of the method of latent root and analytical method
  • The existing research has not really integrated the two systems and does not perfectly coordinate between user equilibrium and system equilibrium
  • The article sets up system equilibrium and user equilibrium coordination module regarding on the allocation and guidance problems existing in the traffic control system and traffic guidance system
  • For example , in reference [ 12 ] , the author studies the stability of system equilibrium with the method of latent root and the periodic solution of the marchuk ' s model with the method which provided by reference [ 13 ]
    例如,文[ 12 ]以时滞r为参数,利用特征根法研究了该模型的平衡点的稳定性,利用文[ 13 ]的方法研究了该模型的周期解。
  • The article will have a deep discussion about the comprehensive module of traffic control system and traffic guidance system as well as user equilibrium and system equilibrium principle . in the intelligent traffic system , traffic governor hope to allot traffic flow by system equilibrium principle while passengers could only choose appropriate paths by use equilibrium principle based on traffic information . the two principles are different with conflicting game relationship
  • The article brings forth a reasonable traffic consuming module to coordinate the game relationship and improve road network efficiency , that is , the optimized or almost optimized status of the system and customer - optimized status with traffic information lacking could come into fact when the traffic governor allot traffic flow based on system equilibrium principle , take passenger ’ s path choosing behavior into consideration and take the preponderant advantages to make the traffic flow at optimized or almost optimized status through traffic control system and guidance system
  • We find out there is a change in the stability of system equilibrium when time delay r experiences certain variation , i . e . , when it changes from asymptotical stability ( unstability ) to unsiability ( stability ) , these t become the system ' s bifurcation value ( the system has small - scale amplitude nontrivial periodic solution around these values ) , and then we obtain the bound of stability of equilibrium
    我们发现当时滞变化经过某些值时,系统平衡点的稳定性也发生变化,也就是从渐近稳定(不稳定)到不稳定(稳定) 。这些值就是系统的hopf分支值(即在这些值附近,系统有小振幅的非平凡周期解) ,从而也得到了稳定性的存在范围。
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